Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have answers.

And if you don’t find the one you’re looking for, you can always give us a call.

Someone spilled coffee on the carpet. Is this something you can remove?

Probably. (And you also probably don’t even have to ask.) Each crew has a portable spot remover machine, and will attempt to remove any spilled drink spots they notice. There’s no guarantee that the spot will be 100% removed, or that the spot will stay as clean as the surrounding areas.

This service isn’t intended to replace a full carpet cleaning service or large spill carpet cleaning. That is best addressed with a truck-mount or professional carpet cleaning machine.

What do you consider construction clean-up?

We pick up trash, scrap building supplies and small loose concrete that can be carried by one person. We also sweep, clean windows and all surfaces, during and after the construction process.

Do you use heavy equipment for construction clean-up?

We don’t … large concrete, piles of sand and rock, grading, filling in trenches, etc. are the responsibility of the owner.

Does SACS provide dumpsters?

Again, we don’t. The site owner needs to provide an adequate dumpster for all trash being removed.

Let’s talk refrigerators. What’s your process for cleaning them?

When it comes to your break room fridge, we schedule a date/time for cleaning, and ask that unneeded items be removed. On cleaning day, we remove remaining items and shut off the freezer, then clean all surfaces, drawers, shelves, light and drip pan with a hot water/soap/antibacterial agent. If there’s a freezer, it gets defrosted and cleaned as above, then everything is put back in the right place, and the freezer is turned back on.